Latest Update: 2025/02/25.
The below log shows all updates for this product since release:
- added option to disable built-in carrier functionalities from the PMD/DR page.
- increased sensitivity of RWR / TWD and reworked threat classification logic
- solved minor bug in SMS system reporting incorrect GBU-39 quantity in some cases
- solved bug causing cursor to remain visible in right part of the PCD if electrical power is not available
- solved bug causing POI green border to appear during PCD start procedure
- Fixed incorrect max cap of detected objects
- Revised influence of search volumes on radar range
- HUD: fixed minor graphical glitches
- TWD: fixed orientation of air-emitter icon
- TWD: increased maximum number of threats displayed to 50 (was 60)
- Added VMFA-251 DW-00 livery
- Added VMFA-251 DW-03 livery Regards Din
- Major redesign of navigation system for realism
- FAB: completely revised NAV section
- HUD: slight adjustments to clock graphics
- HUD: changed NAV data block to compley with real world layout
- HUD: added CDI
- HUD: fixed bug causing incorrect visualization of waterline symbol
- EFI: CDI GOL now selects CDI reference for ADI,HSI and HUD and also selects the nav source
- EFI: added CDI LRP in ADI views
- EFI: added HSI Glideslope indication
- SMS: added missing gun icon
- COM: fixed behavior of OLD COM1-2 frequencies (did not update after current frequency change)
- Harmonized HMD STOVL indication with FCS page
- Changed NAV data block to comply with real world layout
- Added LRP CDI
- Revised navigation data block
- Increased ILS bars sensitivity
- Fixed very minor mapping glitch
v1.3.9 - 2025/01/13
- Rewritten radar presentation code to get rid of fs9gps API as it is not supported by MSFS2024
- Changed HOTAS initialization code to solve a minor conflict with MSFS2024
- Solved bug allowing user to change search volume display with CSC if the HMD was the DOI
- Changed maximum brightness limit of HMD for better contrast in MSFS2024
- Changed HMD brightness code so that it is not depenent on TIME OF DAY variables
- Changed HMD and HUD brightness code so that it should have fewer compatibility issues with MSFS2024
- Fixed bug in stopwatch code
- Reworked RWR and radar electrical system logic
- Solved bug causing misalignment between target track symbol and detected track position
- Solved bug causing RWR alert sounds not to play for tracks above fusion number 20
- Solved minor glitch in TACAN course setting
- Fixed bug preventing radar module from working in MSFS2024
- Rewritten radar module so that code is now split between WASM and HTML5/JS and allow for more functionality in the future
- AUTOPILOT: modes will appear boxed cyan if selected but not active, boxed white if selected and active.
- AUTOPILOT: solved minor graphic glitches in MSFS2024
- SRCH format: added search performance status.
- TSD: solved minor glitch causing incorrect bearing to show in target information box.
- TWD: RWR system status added to primary page.
- TWD: added pilot control on STBY or OPER mode. If in STBY audio alerts are inhibited.
- TWD: solved minor graphic glitches in MSFS2024.
- Fixed bug preventing target speed to appear from FAB if SPD HOLD mode is selected and active.
- PMDDR: added option for PCD fast boot (permanent variable)
- PMDDR: added option to disable in-flight refuel options
v1.3.8 - 202/10/28
- Fixed bug preventing additional autopilot functionalities (VOR HOLD, APP HOLD, BACK CRS) to work as intended
- Fly-by-wire landing control law preference is now a permanent variable
- Number of radar tracks processed increased to 50
- NWS LO caption changed to NWS
- NWS will automatically engage upon landing is below 145 knots
- NWS will automatically disengage if speed is above 150 knots
- Tweaks to thrustometer readings so that ground idle is now 10 as it should be in the real aircraft
- Fixed built-in refuel code, and aligned speed restrictions to ICAWS system
- Minor fixes to ICAWS captions
- Upgraded WASM radar module
- Added CURSOR SLEW HOTAS Functionality
- Added several callsigns to aircraft configuration (courtesy of Richard Collens)
- Added realistic cooldown time for TFLIR and DAS systems
- GCAS warning are now affected by GCAS level and MTC
- Fixed bug preventing "Pull Up!" audio cue from playing
- Added ALOW2 and LIS "Altitude" warning
- SET NOSE WHEEL TO LIMIT key binding now also disables G-Limiter, Autotrim and Alpha limiter when the aircraft is in the air
- Hydraulic system nominal pressure set to 4000 psi
- Added Guard frequency functionality
- Changed formation light code
- Integrated new custom font and adjustmentes (courtesy of Cayden Nguyen)
- Revised HMD refuel and fuel dump symbology
- Revised off-axis symbology
- Added stopwatch
- Revise power up sequence and conditions
- Increased display warmup time to 2 minutes
- Miscellaneuos code optimizations
- Fixed bug preventing DIM page to appear as expected
- Changed code so that clicking twice on an function that activates a input prompt will now cancel the prompt (as opposed to resetting it)
- Fixed bug causing PCD brightness to change when LITES page was selected
- Fixed bug preventing user from entering COM3 frequency from NAV page
- ILS bar on EFI page now follow velocity vector
- TWD audio option is now functional
- Radar track information is now displayed also in VSD mode
- SRCH page: Radar mode and search volumes are now selectable
- TSD: Radar search volumes can be displayed on the TSD (by clicking below the airplane icon)
- TSD: Major rework of MAP mode for better readability
- TSD: Radar tracks added to MAP mode
- TSD: Fixed several minor glitches
- TSD: Added missing ground track to HSI mode
- TSD: Added missing heading reference to HSI and HSD mode
- TSD: Improvements to bullseye data
- TSD: Track symbology will now be parked on gutter line
- SMS: Although still INOP, weapons can now be selected in the SMS page
- TWD: Audio option is now enabled
- ALT FAB: completely revised page layout
- TIME FAB: added page functionality
- IFF FAB: updated layout and functionality
- Track limit increased to 60
- TSD VSD now also shows ground tracks
- TSD VSD RCS background can be decluttered
- Minor tweaks to TSD HSI mode
- Solved minor bug causing FAB bar graphics overlap during PCD power up if "SWAP" is commanded.
- Solved very minor geometry mistakes
- Added Polish Air Force Livery
- Solved minor light leakage in rudder pedal area
- FCS Reset button was missing animation
- Solved minor anomaly in external 3D model
- Added VFA-86 livery
- Fixed minor mistakes on VFA-97 livery
v1.3.7 - 2024/07/30
- Added "Automatic NWS" option in PMD/DR page. Variable setting is permanent.
- Added "Tinted Glass" option in PMD/DR page. Variable setting is permanent.
- Fixed reversed animation of rudders during V-brakes deployment
- Fixed bug causing CDI on VHUD to report VOR/ILS OBS if CDI-TCN was selected
- Solved bug causing change of Nav source from TDS3/HSI mode in certain circumstances
- Minor tweaks to landing gear compression
- Solved minor graphical glitch in landing gear animation
- Improved canopy frame smoothing
v1.3.6 - 2024/07/29
- Changed default external camera distance on user request.
- Minor fixes to checklists
- Fixed minor prioritization issue for anti-ice ICAWS messages
- Changed aircraft ATC string to "F35A", "F35B" and "F35C"
- Redone panels backlighting texture
- Fixed Engine switch markings and mouse tooltip
- Changed reading lights angle and intensity, also they will not emit light if oriented at less than 30 degrees with respect to their rest position (to avoid visual glitches)
- Minor fixes to checklists
- Added ZM138 XVII Test And Evaluation Squadron Royal Air Force
- Minor improvements to flight manual
- Added list of ICAWS alert to the flight manual
v1.3.5 - 2024/07/23
- Fixed bug in sound configuration preventing new ICAWS sounds to play as intended
- Additional key bindings are now a permanent variable
v1.3.4 - 2024/07/15
- Major rework of navigation system
- Major rework on ICAWS (more messages, EFI/HUD integration, acknowledgment option)
- TACAN and ILS/VOR now have separate course lines
- Added proper CDI functionality
- Reworked fuel system and tankage on all variants
- Reworked engine anti-ice system
- Added option to contol HMD visor position
- Adjusted external camera position
- Fixed bug preventi correct TFLIR and DAS imagery below 100ft ASL.
- Nose Wheel Steering code rewirtten: NWS HI and NWS LO settings are now available.
- Removed Asobo effects and replaced with custom vapour effects
- Complete rework of PCD mouse interface
- Major optimization of PCD logic code
- Added mouse interaction visual clue
- Compelete rework of portal and subportal proportions
- CHECKLIST - minor improvements layout and more accurate interface
- CHECKLIST - revised checklists, should be closer to the real deal
- CHECKLIST - added separate initial cockpit check checklist
- EFI - Reworked heading graphics
- EFI - Reworked NAV sources graphics
- EFI - HSI OBS and CDI are now color coded depending on NAV source
- EFI - Added proper CDI functionality
- EFI - ILS bars must be toggled manually now
- FCS - minor graphical upgrades and more accurate mouse areas
- FUEL - general upgrade to latest software release
- FUEL - added refuel system opening/closing consent prompts
- FUEL - quantity in individual tanks in rounded to the nearest 50
- FUEL - miscellaneous graphical and nterface improvements
- ICAWS - improved readability and added new messages
- ICAWS - added ICAWS TEST functionality
- TSD - Added HSI View Mode
- TSD - Fixed MAP Mode proportions
- TSD - Reworked VSD Mode for better efficiency
- TSD - Reworked HSD Mode for better efficiency
- COMMUNICATION POP-UP - Added guard functionality
- IDENTIFICATION POP-UP - Added emergency code
- FAB - Improved IFF section
- FAB - Improved ICAWS section and message readability
- FAB - Swap button now resets Pop-up status
- Simulator preferences moved to PDM/DR page
- PCD configuration can be saved and retrived from the PDM/DR page
- Improved aircraft symbol in TSD/HSD MAP mode
- Further tweaks to roll PID
- Virtual speedbrake rudder animation reversed
- Virtual speedbrake flaperon deflection reversed if plane is on the ground
- Reworked automatic schedule of falps animation (depending on phase of flight)
- Revised autopilot interface to mimic the real plane. Additional functions can be toggled in the PMD/DR page.
- Reintroduced Stick Control (which can be toggled in the PMD/DR page).
- Added realistic Autopilot and Autothrottle limits
- Added missing ICC3 switch marking on IPP panel
- Added reading lights functionality
- New helmet model and texture set
- New pilot head model and textures
- Fixed minor geometry issue in F-35B Lift Fan area
- Fixed multiple minor UVW issues in F-35B Lift Fan door
- Fixed minor UVW warpage in F-35A lower fuselage surfaces
- Fixed geometry issue (light leakage) on F-35A model in the engine area
- Fixed minor mistake in F-35A VT ANG livery (mirrored graphics on the left tail)
- Fixed incorrect albedo in F-35B DT01 livery (incorrect compositing of intake door texture)
- Fixed minor glitch in F-35A Demo Team pilot patch
- Fixed incorrect name of several liveries in the livery selection menu
- Fixed missing filter on several custom cover
- Fixed incorrect color of several antennas on F-35A
- Asjustment: wind noises at speed were increased, and new high-quality sounds added
- Adjustment: G-Force related wind sounds
- Adjustment: Internal ECS fan noise oscillation removed due to complaints, volume increased.
- Adjustment: Increased close proximity howl sound (blue note)
- Adjustment: Slightly changed close afterburner sound, increased volume slightly.
- Adjustment: Decreased range of high pitch turbine noise on aft camera angles.
- Adjustment/Fix: Further refined external idle/turbine noise for better and more consistently realistic flyby audio.
- AI package updated to reflect changes above
- Fixed: switch sound reverb issue
- Fixed: issue with AI mix bus control
- Fixed: squeaky brake pedal volume
- Added new afterburner approach sound when flying inbound fast
- Added new random variant of the slow burner pass effect
- Several sound file cleanups / edits
- Small adjustments to volume
- Mirrored AI / MP audio changes
v1.3.3 - 2024/05/07
- Fixed bug causing time indication on the control bar to show 24 instead of 00
- Removed duplicate entries in autopilot configuration
- Slight modification to effects of crosswind on flight dynamics
- Added HMD Boresight and GCAS preferences to permanent variables
- Reworked afterburner effects
- AoA bracket now adapts to the model (A, B or C)
- Additional key bindings are now disabled by default and can be enabled with an option in the MENU screen
- Fixed multiple minor glitches on PCD FUEL interaction
- Major restyle of HMD boresight and off-boresight graphics
- Tweaks to FBW PID coefficients
- ILS signal can now be received ONLY if the nose gear doors are open
- Fixed FPV and ghost VV graphics
- Added proper CDM symbol
- Reworked off-boresight symbology
- Reworked waterline graphics
- FAB: added engine anti-ice captions
- FAB: reworked landing gear symbology
- ENG page and FAB: FF indication changed to ppm instead of pph
- EFI page: fixed waterline position
- FCS page: added NOSE DOOR functionality on FCS page
- HUD page: reworked graphics for better match with HMD
- HUD page: fixed FPV and ghost VV symbology, added CDM
- HUD page: fixed minor bug in clock indication
- HUD page: fixed waterline graphics and behavior
- TWD page: added draft RWR track implementation
- TWD page: optimized code and revised symbology
- New sound package by Echo19
- Added VMFA-311 lo-viz livery
- Minor tweaks to VMFA-311 hi-viz livery
- Added RAAF 75 Squadron livery
- Minor tweaks to all Australian liveries
v1.3.1 - 2023/12/19
- Temporarily Disabled STICK CONTROL feature due to problems with new autopilot logic
- Minor change to autopilot logix to fix control regression for some users
- Minor tweaks to autopilot logic (redone AI behavior, reverted to FCC-governed default mode, tweaks to coefficients)
- Minor tweaks to subsonic engine performance on all models, with partial roll back to 1.2.8
- Minor tweaks to subsonic drag coefficients on all models
- Minor tweaks to afterburner sound in external views
v1.3.0 - 2023/12/12
- Temporarily Disabled STICK CONTROL feature due to problems with new autopilot logic
- Minor change to autopilot logix to fix control regression for some users
v1.2.9 - 2023/12/11
- Replaced incorrect engine start sound
- Fixed minor misalignment glitch in ENG page portals 2 and 4
- NWS engagement now can be controlled with the "SET NOSE WHEEL STEERING TO LIMIT" key binding
- Added support to 8.33KHz spacing con COM page
- NWS buttons and paddle switch on the VC stick are now functional
- Tweaks to G-limiter and fly-by-wire behaviors
- Tweaks to stability aand flight controls effectiveness coefficients
- BFI, HMD, TFLIR, ASR, DAS and MAP screens can be popped-out
- Major update to engine and flight model in transonic regime, with more realistic performance and Mach wall
- Autopilot now uses an analog flight model (FBW protection is temporarily disabled in AP mode) which should be more reliable
- Minor changes to G-limiter
- Fixed bank scale on HMD graphics
- Added custom 495th FS engine covers
- Added Belgian Air Force FL001
- Added VMFAT-502 WF502 livery
- Added VMFA-122 DC122 livery
v1.2.8 - 2023/10/23
- Weapon bay light enabled also on -B and -C models
- Reworked post stall rudder authority
- Fixed missing HUD ladder on HUD formats on PC (missing file)
- Fixed minor bug on PCD-HUD page clock, showing 24:00:00 instead of 00:00:00
- Fixed minor bug on PCD-HUD page clock, showing Z even if local time was selected
- Fixed minor bug that caused NWS caption to appear on HMD with launch bar selected
- Added NWS and brakes indications to PCD/HUD full screen
- Added SAFE/ARM indication to PCD/HUD
- Added Koninklijke Luchtmacht F-037 livery
- Added Koninklijke Luchtmacht F-028 livery
- Added Koninklijke Luchtmacht F-014 livery
- Added Koninklijke Luchtmacht F-019 livery
- Added 48th FW, 115th FW specific pilot patches
- Added VMFA-225 specific pilot patch
- Added option to switch STOVL/HOVER dynamics model:
Default mode is better suited for static ships
Alternate mode should work better for dynamic ships
- fixed minor bug preventing correct weapon bay textures to load
- minor fix to VFA-125 livery
- minor fix to VFA-97 livery
- added VX-23, VFA-125, VMFA-311, Top Gun specific pilot patches them in this box. Improvements to the base models, textures, features and additional liveries.
v1.2.7 - 2023/10/16
- Solved minor glitch preventing HMD Brightness "Down" from working as intended on -B and -C models
- Allowed user to activate Launch Bar with both the keystroke and the PCD
- Improved manoeuvrability and turn performance at low speed
- Improved post-stall yaw authority
- Redone canopy scratches
- Improvement FPV alignment during bank
- Added MAN/AUTO waypoint switching option
- Major modification to the sound package:
> Redone engine exhaust sounds and cones
> Redone engine faraway sounds
> Redone jet whine sounds and added "howl" effect
> Redone cockpit low-pass filter and volume levels
> Improved dynamic wind and rattle sounds
> Redone engine faraway sounds and adjusted loudness vs. distance curves
- FCS Reset is now automatically applied once autopilot is operated (should result in more reliable autopilot behaviour)
- Fixed bug preventing JDAM beast mode selection on A and C models
- Remapped and retextured multiple details for better resolution and more realistic look
- Added weapon bay lights (automatic activation if aircraft is on the ground and doors are open)
- Added refuel system lights (automatic activation if refuel probe/receptacles are ready for IFR)
- Added Ground Track "T" symbol to both HMD and HUD PCD format
- Added Tacan "diamond" symbol to both HMD and HUD PCD format
- Added proper CAGE/UNCAGE behaviour to horizon ladder in PCD HUD format
- Added sideslip indication on HMD, and on PCD EFI and HUD formats
- Improved bank scale functionality on HMD
- Added NWS caption to HMD symbology
- Added wheelbrakes indication to HMD symbology
- Added VV ghost to PCD HUD format and normalized behaviour of VV-related symbology
- Redone V/S BIT animations
- Fixed multiple minor glitches to CDI symbology (HMD and PCD)
- Minor optimizations to PCD-EFIS HSI mode
- Redone all thumbnails
v1.2.6 - 2023/09/10
- Updated radar reflectors
- Fixed configuration bug preventing localized descriptions to show in some cases
- Added afterburner projected light effect
- Improved afterburner effect
- Improvements to HMD symbology
- Minor tweaks to HUD page symbology
- Fixed bug causing Portal 3 and 4 to swap if portal 4 was maximized to full screen
- Fixed glitch preventing some radar tracks to show correctly on TSD screen
- Minor optimization of PCD code
- Fixed minor glitch in PCD commands
- Redone canopy mapping and textures on all models
- Fixed minor glitches in pilot figure geometry and smoothing.and increased polycount
- Fixed bug preventing "BACK" option to work as intended
- Fixed minor bug preventing audible feedback to work on some PCD commands
- AIM-120 can now be loaded also on STA4 and 8 (non-Marketplace versions only)
- Added internal-only air-to-air configuration and multiple model-specific configurations (non-Marketplace versions only)
- Reworked ejection seat geometry and textures
- Reworked STOVL dyanamics when wheel touch the ground in hover mode
- Improved cockpit shadows accuracy and resolution
- Modified steering dynamics
- Refactored Radar WASM module (with better track management and aging options)
- Added third tag to full screen portal visualization
- Improvements to canopy geometry
- Fixed minor geometry error on fuselage
- Added GBU-39 for STA4 and STA8 (non-Marketplace versions only)
- Fixed audio glitch in RAF livery
- Fixed minor modeling errors in canopy actuators geometry
- Minor tweaks to arrestor gear dynamics
- Launch bar now reacts to default keystroke
- Fixed minor canopy glass misalignment in external views
- Fixed minor geometry issues
- Fixd minor UVW mapping glitch nearby auxiliary air intake and taileron edge
- Added AGM-154 JSOW option for STA4 and STA8 (non-Marketplace versions only)
v1.2.4 - 2023/05/23
- Fixed minor bug in radar reflectors menu
- Fixed minor mistake in engine materials assignment
- Fixed minor mistake in main surfaces composite texture
- Fixed minor mapping mistake in fuselage texture (visible only in CF-01 livery)
v1.2.3 - 2023/05/22
- Fixed minor bug preventing functionality of some AP buttons if LITES menu is also selected
- Fixed minor glitch in AOA Bracket animation
- Changed engine sound fall-off profile
- Reorganized sound files
- Fixed minor bug causing incorrect IPP lights behaviour in rare occurrences
- Replaced behavior templates of throttle lever, landing light switch, parking brake, rudder trim
- Revised animation of rudder pedals
- Added afterburner detent
- Added bespoke engine covers to several liveries
- Major refactoring of pilot model (new oxygen hose, additional details, new animation, new harness)
- Added pilot shoulder patch (bespoke for various countries and squadrons)
- Added "headless" option to pilot body visualization (visibility cotrol now cycles between no pilot, headless pilot and full model)
- Added native canopy variable (for smoother anuimation and multiplayer sync)
- Added "refuel and repair" option to PCD MENU screen
- Added "radar reflectors" mount/unmount option to PCD MENU screem
- Added live ordnance textures (with multiple variants and warheads) to several liveries
- Updated manual
- Fixed minor mistakes in 18-5343 livery
- Changed tail font in 08-0747 livery
- Added Wisconsin ANG livery
- Added AF-01 prototype livery
- Fixed minor UVW mapping misalignments
- Fixed minor polygon smoothing issues
- Fixed minor modeling glitches
- Added VMFA-213 "Black Sheep" liveries (hi-viz and lo-viz)
- Added BF-01 protoptye livery
- Fixed mapping mistake on left taileron upper surfaces
- Fixed minor mistake in engine nozzle geometry
- Fixed minor mistake in remove-before-flight ribbons geometry
- Fixed minor mistake in air intake geometry
- Fixed minor mistakes in Top Gun, VFA-147 and VFA-97 liveries
- Fixed incorrect stencils on VMFA-314 livery
- Added CF-01 prototype livery
- Added VFMA-311 livery
- Added VFMA-314 VW300 livery
- Added VFA-101 NJ101 livery
v1.2.2 - 2023/04/04
- Fixed minor graphical glitch in FCS page
- ASR zoom can now be adjusted
- DAS switched to front view, turns to downward view in hover mode.
- TFLIR now has NAV and AS modes (AS modes is horizon stabilized)
- DAS and TFLIR views can be adjusted in pitch
- Fixed minor bug on TSD target designation
- Improved engine geometry on all models
- Added ground crew access panels to all models
- Solved minor glitch when selecting INOP pages
- FCS RESET BUTTON now switches from AUTO to MAN mode, also added button animation
- NAV SOURCE can be changed also on ASR, DAS and TFLIR pages
- Fixed minor bug preventing correct AoA visualization on HMD
- Minor revision to -B and -C markings
- Fixed minor bug causing slightly different engine readings in FAB and PCD ENG page
- Refined APU exhaust geometry on all models
- Fixed minor bug causing aural alert to play even without electrical power in some instances
- Added USAF 17-5281 livery with Demo Team covers
- Added USAF 13-5081 livery
- Added JASDF 69-8701 livery
- Added IAF 911 livery
- Added IAF 909 livery
- Fixed minor mistake in Aggressor livery
- Fixed minor regressions in 3D model (incorrect UVW) and redone minor details
- Changed taileron behavior during STOVL operation to better match the real aircraft
- Tweaks to arrested landing and recovery dynamics to improve compatibility with third party carriers
v1.2.1 - 2023/03/06
- Fixed minor AO mistake in cockpit textures for -A and -C models
- Fixed minor formatting issue in HMD altitude digits
- Solved bug in anti-ice system causing incorrect behaviour in AUTO and ON modes
- Solved bug causing incorrect PCD start conditions
- Replaced anti-collision effects with a much brighter one
- Reworked MENU->LITES interface so that console, indicator, formation and strobe lights can be dimmed.
- Reworked landing lights rendering
- Solved minor bug in TACAN bearing pointer indication on EFI page
- Solved minor issues in HUD altitude text formatting for smaller digits.
- Solved bug preventi FAB bar to display GCAS status correctly
- Draft implementation of GCAS system (OFF/Manual/AUTO) - when set to AUTO the plane will try and avoid ground collision
- Safety pins can now be reinstalled (by clicking on the left console blank panel)
- Draft implementation of In-flight refuel. While in-flight:
a) open refuel receptacle door/extend probe
b) click on the fuel quantity summary
c) keep the plane within 50ft and 10 kts from the initial condition
Note: refuel rate is dependent on refuel system
(about 5800lbs/min for A, 2500 lbs/min for B and C)
- Updated FUEL page layout
- Added DUMP Cutoff functionality
- ENGINE switch now linked to "mixture" control, can switch off the aircraft if set to OFF and throttle is retarded
- Minor tweaks to CHECKLIST page
- Minor tweaks to in-game checklists
- MFD now defaults to "Blank" configuration if powered off
- Optimization of VR collision mesh
- Improved GCAS symbology
- Solved minor visual interference with landing gear structure and cockpit
- Change Lift Fan door animation, angles and speed to better match the real one
- Fixed minor visual glitch in refuel probe geometry
- Fixed minor visual glitch in refuel probe geometry
- Basic implementation of VSD functionality
- Fixed several bugs in TSD rendering
- Increased number of radar tracks to 42
- Added TSD target tracking capability (clicking on the center of the TSD screen will update the target)
v.1.2.0 - 2023/02/02
- Fixed minor AO issue on ejection seat models
- Removed unnecessary duplicate geometry (Zeroize knob) from all cockpit models
- Clean-up of AITraffic settings
- Clean-up of unnecessary code
- General update of the product manual
- Changed clock code to display 00:00:00 instead of 24:00:00
- Minor optimizations to clock code
- Increased autotrim reaction speed
- Reworked flap system
- TRIM RESET now resets trim on all axis, and toggles FCC if it is switched off
- FLAP LEVER now disables FCC and AUTOTRIM
- If FCC is running (and autotrim is active) the "AUTO" caption appears alongside the trim value
- FCS DEGRADED warning appear if airspeed is above 400 knots and user has disabled FCC
- Defog handle now controls canopy de-icing
- Rewritten Anti-Ice system (now implements Anti-Ice On-Auto-Off modes)
- Added Air Data System Heat (ADS HT) control to ENG page and implemented system simulation
- Tweaks to ENG page
- PHM and ICAWS now report FCS DEGRADED if FCC is switched off
- Fixed bug preventing Oxygen Test and BOS switches to be highlighter by the mouse
- Fixed minor text misalignment in FUEL page
- Clean-up of unnecessary code
- Fixed incorrect altitude variable in PCD HUD pages (page was reporting real altitude as opposed to indicated altitude)
- Fixed bug preventing wind direction from showing on PCD control bar
- Fixed bug preventing input of ALOW altitude in certain conditions
- Changed canopy control code so that it is now impossible to open the canopy if airspeed is above 50 kts
- Rewritten code for automatic Speedbrake retraction during touch'n'go (Speedbrake will retract if throttle is above 70% travel)
- Solved minor glitch on HUD page
- Added MACH HOLD AT functionality, Mach input capped at 1.60
- Added Backcourse option for AP (does not work too well)
- Fixed minor glitch in AP control interface if on right PCD side
- Autopilot has now default setting of 15000 ft, autothrottle has now a default setting to 400 kts
- Fixed minor bug preventing correct rendering of DAS imagery in some cases
- Added MAP mode to TSD screens
- Added VSD option to TSD screens (INOP, for future implementation)
- Improved interface and rendering of all imagery services
- Tweaked nose wheel steer settings
- Changed base colour to multiple liveries for a better match with late Block3 and Block 4 colours
- Fixed reversed characters on landing gear door and other minor details in USAF livery 08-0747
- Fixed reversed characters on landing gear door and other minor details in Australian livery A35-040
- Clean up of F-35I prototype livery
- Updated Italian Air Force 6-01 livery
- Added Italian Air Force 32-13 livery (courtesy of Christoph Tantow)
- Added Royal Australian Air Force A35-001 livery 2nd OCU
- Changed base colour to multiple liveries for a better match with late Block3 and Block 4 colours
- Fixed minor modelling and texturing misalignment in Lift-Fan door area
- Fixed minor modelling misalignment in roll post door location
- Fixed minor modelling errors in weapon bay harnessing's
- Added U.S.M.C VMFA-242 "Bats" DT-01 livery
- Added U.S.M.C VMFA-242 "Bats" DT-02 livery
- Added Italian Air Force 32-14 livery
- Fixed incorrect AI configuration entry
- Changed nose cone colour of VFA-147 and Top-Gun liveries and fixed minor other details
- Miscellaneous improvements to VFA-97 livery
- Fixed minor geometry issue in F-35A (IR sensor leftover from PC build)
- Fixed missing wheelchocks, ribbons and covers from F-35B
- Reduced video memory footprint for better stability
v1.1.8 - 2022/12/13
- Fixed minor glitch in F-35B model geometry
- Minor adjustments to supersonic drag coefficients
- Adjusted waterline position
- Fixed minor mistakes in flight_model.cfg entries
- Minor optimization of FCS code
- Redone and optimized animation code of rudders, slats, tailerons and flaperons for higher frame rates and better multiplayer propagation
- Improved tires dynamics
- Tweaks to afterburner effect graphics
- Changed afterburner settings for a more gradual power curve
- Minor adjustment to engine covers (B only)
- Moved localization files to specific folders in preparation of SU11
- Removed unnecessary legacy variables
- Fixed bug preventing correct TACAN channel from displaying when in Y mode
- Fixed bug preventing user from changing TACAN mode unless new TACAN code was entered
- Fixed bug preventing correct tuning of TACAN channels 01X to 16Y
- Fixed bug preventing correct TACAN location to show on TSD in some instances
- Fixed bug preventing correct TACAN channel to show on HMD in some instances
- Added F-35C VFA-97 Warhawks Repaint
- Added F-35A 77Sqn Repaint (courtesy of Christoph Tantow)
- Added F-35B VMFAT-502 Repaint (courtesy of Christoph Tantow)
- Solved minor bug preventing user from selecting HUD on Portal in rare cases
- Corrected approach speed on PCD checklist
- Fly-by-wire control low changed to fly_by_wire_from_flaps =1
- Fixed minor bug in FCS page values
- Fixed bug causing trim control to be reversed if an analogue controller was used
- Tweaked wheelchocks geometry
- AI sound aliased from stock F/A-18E on request of the users
v1.1.7 - 2022/09/13
- Fixed duplicate geometry issue causing flickering of the PCD in the C variant
- Minor optimization to XML code (unnecessary code removed)
- Improved accuracy of distance measurement for TACAN stations
- Improved identification of TACAN stations
v1.1.6 - 2022/09/13
- Fixed minor geometry issue on F-35A model
- Fixed bug preventing fly-by-wire from working if flight is started cold and dark
- Minor tweaks to FLT files
- FCS RESET button now resets trims and controls surfaces
v1.1.4 - 2022/08/15
- Fixed incorrect fuel quantity on F-35C
- Fixed incorrect range for F-35C in UI
- Redone all thumbnails as wheelchocks were not compliant with Microsoft thumbnail policy
- Change parking entry from “ANY” to “MIL_COMBAT”
- Fixed conflict between “fuel and payload” menu and SMS page
- Fixed incorrect illumination of covers and streamers
v1.1.2 - 2022/08/10
- Fixed engine performance at high altitude for F-35A
- Minor tweaks to supersonic drag to the F-35A
- Fixed spelling error for Danish Air Force
- Removed HOVER / V/S HOLD SUBMODE (useless in MSFS and causing multiple problems with FBW)
- Minor tweak to HOVER logic to prevent non-zero target speed upon HOVER engagement
- Minor tweak to HOVER logic to prevent forward motion when performing vertical take-off
- Modifications to autopilot code
- Redone all thumbnails and added "thumnail_small.jpg" where missing
- Added 58th FS livery courtesy of Christoph Tantow
- Added VMFA-225 livery courtesy of Christoph Tantow
- Aircraft configuration can now be changed from the SMS page
v1.1.1 - 2022/08/02
- Fixed bug preventing TACAN bearing to show in some instances
- (PC only) Added "remove before flight" streamers and covers
- Modified autopilot logic for less erratic behaviour with the new flight model
- Added Vermont ANG livery courtesy of Christoph Tantow
- (SU10 and above) HMD "Off-Boresight" symbology now must be selected by the user in the MENU
v1.1.0 - 2022/07/26
- Fixed animation of F-35B Lift Fan
- Fixed animation of F-35B In-flight refuel probe
- Added missing USAF roundels to 495th FS livery
- Added missing USAF roundels to 356th FS livery
- Changed custom fonts from OTF to TTF due to NanoVG incompatibility in SU10 preview
- Draft implementation of full fly-by-wire/FCS flight model
- Draft implementation of off-boresight HMD symbology (requires SU10)
- Changes to arrestor hook logic for better compatibility with moving carriers
- Draft implementation of TCAS / Air-to-air awareness (via WASM module):tracks are reported on TSD screens (PC only)
- Fixed animation glitch on F-35B nozzle
- Fixed bug causing incorrect toggling of autopilot modes on F-35 at approximately 20000 feet
- Improvement to afterburner self-illuminating textures
- Added VR stick entries (untested)
v1.0.9 - 2022/07/04
Starting from this release, the key binding for HOOK/STOVL is changed to the TOGGLE TAIL HOOK LEVER command.
Also, in order to use the catapult launch functionality, in addition to extending the launch bar and setting the throttle to full military, you now have to apply brakes.
- solved minor bug causing incorrect button description in some MENU areas
- changed Autopilot Hold code so that multiple slots are ignored, so that the altitude hold should be more reliable now
- added autotrim function: autotrim is active when AP is not engaged and gear is up. Can be toggled with the TRIM button on the stick.
- added "dragon" aggressor livery, courtesy of Christoph Tantow
- slight increase to turn capability (all models)
- draft implementation of autopilot Approach mode
- it is now possible to input the AP vertical speed (although there seems to be a 3000 ft/min hardcoded limit)
- summary of AP status is reported on FAB (similarly to real aircraft)
- replaced APP HOLD with VS HOLD
- fixed range and ceiling values in aircraft selection UI
- changed "catapult launch" logic: it is now necessary to hold the brakes (along with extending the launch bar and increasing RPM) - releasing the brakes will start the launch.
- changed "catapult launch" and "arrestor wire" logic, so this is now limited to altitude compatible with carrier decks
- restricted STOVL altitude for realism
- restored HMD default setting to "UNCAGED" following user feedback
- fixed bug preventing canopy effects to show on F-35A canopy
- fixed bug causing excessive icing effect on F-35C canopy
- change HOOK/STOVL proxy command to TOGGLE TAIL HOOK HANDLE
- fixed minor glitch in full-page FCS mode
v1.0.8 - 2022/06/07
- Fixed Israeli 924 livery
- Fixed AI configuration issue preventing correct functionality of autopilot
- Remove heat blur effect from lift fan
- Engine sound volume furtherly increased
- Added steering arrow and deviation Scale to HUD (toggled by EFI CDI command)
- Fixed minor bug in PCD-HSI mode
- Changed 3BSM roll animation (now linked to yaw control, more accurately)
- Fixed minor polygon smoothing glitch in F-35A fuselage
v1.0.7 - 2022/06/03
- solved minor texturing glitch on F-35A cockpit
- solved minor texturing glitch on F-35C cockpit
- slight change to default sensor configuration
- sensor imagery now does not work on battery only (like IRL)
- Fixed bug in PULL UP PCD cues
- Fixed minor mistake in PCD 3D model
- General graphics optimization for lower memory consumption
- Removed duplicated texture files
- Removed unnecessary files
- Removed outdated HUD/HMD code
- Replaced landing light with better LED light effect
- Increased luminosity of afterburner exhaust
- Solved minor bug while toggling full screen mode on Portal 2
- Draft implementation of DAS (downward camera only)
- Draft implementation of FLIR (via synthetic vision)
- Draft implementation of ASR terrain mapping function
- Added automatic retraction of speed brake at high AoA and changed RPM limit to 90% for automatic retraction
- Disabled usage of the F-35 model as AI traffic
- Fixed minor geometry error in control stick model
- Fixed minor mistake in PCD checklist
- Fixed bug that allowed launch bar, tailhook and wing fold operation with aircraft not powered
- Electrical power is now required for canopy movement, IFR probe extraction and weapon door operation
- Fixed bug preventing correct PCD operation if in SWAP mode and IFF pop-up was selected
- Fixed several typos in cockpit labels
- Added departure and destination waypoints in TSD screen
- Fixed bug preventing NAV SOURCE selection on Portal 3
- Added NAV SOURCE selection functionality also to TSD screens
- Fixed bug preventing Transponder State to be correctly displayed in identification menu
- Transponder state can now be manually set in the identification menu
- Fixed bug preventing CDI needle to move correctly in EFIS page
- Fixed incorrect movement scale of CDI needle
- Fixed bug causing limited rudder pedal animation in some cases
- Added special effects from SU9 (wing vapor, low altitude, etc.)
- Added speed-brake deployment indication on HUD
- Fixed modelling bug preventing tail formation lights geometry to show
- Added 06-01 Italian Air Force livery
- Added F-35I Test Bed Israeli Air Force Livery
- Fixed minor mistakes in F-35C liveries
- More realistic drag versus Mach profile in the transonic region
- Tweaks to handling characteristics to limit max G forces and improve low speed handling and turn capability
- Tweaks to autoflap schedule for better manoeuvrability in certain circumstances
- Full integration between external model and cockpit model (better cockpit detail in external views, and lower video memory footprint)
- Fixed minor glitch in FCS wing status symbology for C variant
- Changed surface deflection symbology on FCS page (now closer to reality)
- Minor geometry and texture fixes to F-35B model
- Minor smoothing glitch fixed in A and B models
- Improved canopy glass material
- Fixed helmet visor animation bug
- Improved pilot textures
- Fixed animation glitch in steering mechanism (C-version)
- Integrated "Better Camera Mod" by Archer374
- Added camera-dependant visibility conditions to HMD to eliminate overlap with PCD
- Revised instrument overlay for external views
- HMD now defaults to "CAGED" mode
- Added arms and legs animations to pilot figure
- Pilot figure can now be toggled in cockpit by clicking the venting port
- Solved minor bug when toggling full screen mode
- Major optimization of cockpit collision mesh
- Fixed minor AO glitch in crew access ladder (C model)
- Added L: variables list to the manual, for reference of third party modders
- Fixed minor glitch in page tags if SRCH mode was selected
- Fixed minor bug causing incorrect graphics of POP-UP FUEL page in some instances.
- Draft implementation of V/S BIT
v1.0.4 - 2022/03/21
- Restored Norwegian livery
- Temporarily removed polygons for video rendering (as they are causing issues with third party mods)
- Added HMD CAGE / UNCAGE functionality (in HUD page)
- Added option to turn off GCAS (and all ground proximity warnings)
- Solved minor bug in HUD/HMD XML script
- Reorganization of 3d model files
- Fixed bug preventing PULL UP cues to show on PCD in certain configurations
- Unified GCAS warnings
v1.0.3 - 2022/03/15
- Added missing functionality to the "new" HMD:
a) "dial" graphics for altitude and airspeed when gear is down
b) general rework of HMD graphics
c) improved STOVL symbology
d) improved compass symbology
e) improved navigation symbology
f) added autopilot captions
g) added clock
h) added Master Arm and RAD status
i) added radio altimeter
j) added hours indication on Time To Steer on the HMD
k) added ground speed indication
- Fixed Time To Steer calculation bug
- Added basic support (Bearing and range) for pure TACAN stations
- Removed legacy tail hook and launch assistance entries
- Fixed missing polygons on the tip of the radar radome (external model only)
- Fixed animation issue of downwash effects in F-35B cockpit
- Fixed minor animation issue of F-35B Lift-Fan door in VC
- Fixed minor smoothing issue of F-35B Lift-Fan door in VC
- Fixed minor texturing and shadowing issue on F-35 wing roots area
- Fixed Incorrect colour coding of TACAN radio source in EFIS page
- Fixed minor animation issue of F-35B tailerons
- Added Koninklijke Luchtmacht F-001 special colour
- Corrected position of PCD in all cockpit models, and redone AO accordingly
- Fixed minor glitch on FCS page braking captions
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