Latest Update: 2024/04/26

The below log shows all updates for this product since release:

v1.2 (0.1.2b)

- Fuel tank selector logic fixed.

v1.2 (0.1.2) - 2024/04/26

- Aileron and rudder trim tab adjustment added to walkaround mode, with aileron trim presets for one and two pilot operations.

- ATC not audible - fixed

- Left door latch can no longer be moved with the storm window open

- Fuel pump and selector control assignments fixed

- GTN 750 transponder not responding to inputs – fixed

- Cockpit placard typos fixed

- Digital hour meter sometimes not powering up – fixed

- Battery master switching on when selecting the GNS option on the EFB tablet from cold & dark state – fixed

- Possible to move the rudder when stationary using 'RUDDER AXIS LEFT' and 'RUDDER AXIS RIGHT' control assignments – fixed

- EFB tablet GPS selection fixed

- G-LFSN cockpit registration placard fixed

- Minor sound fixes

- Minor paper chart texture fixes

- Throttle, mixture and magneto/ignition selector not highlighted by MSFS checklist – fixed

- Wear rate option not saving between flights – fixed

The product download in your account is updated as and when updates are released, so if purchasing after any of the given dates your product will include all updates prior to that date.

To download updates you will need to re-download the product from the 'Your Orders' section of your account which you can log into by clicking here.

For guidance on downloading this update, please visit this FAQ.