Latest Update : 2025/03/13

The below log shows all updates for this product since release:


- Activated weapons for the Marketplace

- Added CAS switches for FBW system control

v1.7.2 - 2024/11/05

- Addition of the F-15EX Eagle II to the package with three liveries

- Re-build and re-texture of many internal and external details

- Dedicated radar function added to existing MFD / DDI set up

- Fly-by-Wire removed from C/D/E and I models to match real life

- Glass screen detailing added to F-15EX Eagle II cockpit ( both stations )

- Revised flight models based on the advice of former F-15E Strike Eagle pilot Chad Copeland ( USAF, ret )

- 125th Fighter Wing livery added to F-15C ( Florida Air National Guard )

- Revised internal cameras for better all-round viewing 

v1.7.1 - 2024/08/15

- Fixed duplicate component issues on F-15D Eagle

v1.7.0 - 2024/07/29

- Added new improved exterior emissive lighting effects

- Corrected F-15E rear-seat screen coding for enhanced performance

- Added new ambient sound effects to aircraft when canopy is open

v1.6.0 - 2023/08/24

- F-15E Eagle WSO screens deactivated as default, new power switch in WSO cockpit to turn them back on if required. 

- Improved LOD models for better multiplayer experience

- Improved Marketplace imagery

v1.5.0 - 2023/01/20

- Improved external lightning, Landing/taxi, Nav, Formation and Strobes.

- Taxi Light Switch fixed

- External lights switches transitioned to knobs.

- Fixed overall animations for stabilators, ailerons and Flaps. Now all the surfaces deflections match their angles.

- Flight model revised: improved manoeuvrability at low airspeeds to resemble the Conical Wing camber of the real airplane. 

- HUD: Added SPD BK OUT Warning.

- Cockpit: Revised all switches and sounds.

- Checklist Updated: special credits to DamxusAwe for the work done!


- Fuel System: 

- Fixed an issue that prevented Center External Tank to empty if any other external tank was empty.

- Implemented correctly stop refuel behaviour, which mean, if any of the ext tanks switches (wings/center) or conformal tank switch are positioned  in      stop refuel, they won't longer be refueled when the refuel switch is active. If all of them are in STOP transfer, only the fuselage tanks will  be  refueled.

v1.3.0 - 2022/12/09

- Revised elevator trim limits.

- Revised lift vs flaps values since CFD.

- Revised Windshield anti ICE switch (Reversed)

- Revised Engine anti ICE switch (Animation not working)

- HSI, revised map ranges scales factors.


- Altimeter and IAS indicators fixed

- Localization folders added

- Computational Fluid Dynamics added

v1.1.0 - 2022/11/08

- Emergency update for SU11 compatibility

- New afterburner effects

- HUD glass improvments

- Flickering slime-lights fixed

- Avionics fixes

- TAS readout in external view changed to Mach

- "No-rudder" bug from cold and dark start fixed


- Nose wheel steering switch added to cockpit.

- Fly By Wire enhancements

- Tailhook fixed with new coding

- Supersonic bug fixed

- Nws tied to roll ratio switch

v1.0.8 - 2022/06/08

- Re-built cockpit panels for higher detail, all switches and controls added

- New instrument details throughout cockpit

- New Fly-By-Wire control system for greater realism and fidelity

- New internal and external PBR materials

- New afterburner effects

- New MSFS fuel_system implemented

- New special effects throughout

- Revised engine exhaust nozzle animations

- Enhanced WWise sound with fly-by and other external sound effects

- Increased realism in systems and start-up procedure ( JFS handle )

- New textures in cockpit 

- Revised modelling in cockpit

- Pilot patches and animated visor added

- Full Interactive Checklist added

- Manual updated and revised

v1.0.7 - 2021/11/22

- Emergency Sim Update 7 fixes for HUD and display screens

- Added wing-tip contrail effects

- Added HUD / screen dimmer knob

v1.0.6 - 2021/09/13

- New LOD models

- Improved LOD implementation

- Tyre smoke effects added

- Contrails effects added

- Enhanced autopilot suite for advanced navigation routines

- Greater cockpit functionality

- Cockpit pilot figures code enhanced for station-weight visibility for custom camera views

- Generator switches corrected

v1.0.5 - 2021/07/22

- Added navigation screens in F-15E/I to enhance complex navigation routines.

- Added animated drums for fuel content and altimeter to reduce reliance on projected displays and improve performance

- Added interior crew who disappear based on which seat the user is occupying

- Fixed crew animations

- Improved LOD implementation

v1.0.4 - 2021/07/19

- HUD display and several screens converted to HTML format for increased performance and Sim Update 5 compatibility.

v1.0.3 - 2021/05/12

- Canopy Scratches too blocky - enhanced

- Windscreen tint for HUD visibility against bright sky obscures night flying - removed until a better solution can be found

- Touchdown sounds missing from sound pack - fixed

- Doubled HDG bug in HSI ( F-15 C/D ) - removed

- Fuel flow needle “twirling” at start-up ( F-15 C/D ) - fixed

- MFD nozzle position graphic for F-15 E/I correction

- Transponder knobs not animating - fixed

- Canopy jettison handle too large, corrected

- Oil temperature gauge needles corrected

- Viewpoint too low, corrected

- Rain flowing wrong way on F-15C canopy - fixed

- F15 C/D nozzle needles INOP - fixed

- Navigation light colours - corrected

- Panel folders XML general errors and typos - fixed


- Internal screens enhanced for improved performance ( FPS )

- ACES II ejection seat pan and harness textures enhanced

- Exterior and interior models on all variants now separated to conform to MSFS method of separate cockpit and external models

- Taxi light and switch added ( forward left-side panel, marked "taxi light" )

- Landing light and taxi lights now emissive on external model

- Landing and taxi lights illuminate ground ahead of aircraft when in cockpit

- Mirrors can be switched off to avoid excessive sun glare ( switch on right hand side panel marked "mirrors", off by default )

- Extra LOD models added to conform more closely to MSFS standards for PC and X-Box

- General texturing and PBR enhancements

(With thanks as always to CodenameJack447, SilentG37 and SeverusAviation for their continued assistance on engines, aerodynamics and spotting errors in my coding :))


- HUD power switch is off by default ( located below HUD, marked as "on" and "off", switch tagged as "HUD Power" ) Same for mirror switch

- MSFS new centre of gravity system; check MAC % before flight to ensure centre of balance is correct ( hopefully fixed by Asobo soon )

- HUD text still hard to see against bright clouds / sky. Windshield tinting was generally unpopular as a fix, so seeking a new solution to this issue.

- Pilots' heads no longer animated due to separate interior / exterior models. Will see if this animation can be returned after further investigation

- TAA mode still tears all and any projected-gauge displays. This is a current limitation within MSFS, and at this time Asobo have not issued a fix.

v1.0.1 - 2021/02/22

BUG FIXES (all variants)

- Flickering light in virtual cockpits: FIXED

- Control column top Ngons: FIXED

- Ailerons reversed in VC view: FIXED

- Cockpit camera left view error: FIXED

- HSI and CDI INOP: Fixed for full VOR/DME navigation

- Cold and dark ramp start: FIXED

- HSI distance and course read-outs: FIXED

- HUD hard to read in bright light: FIXED (see ADDITIONS below)

- HUD AoA bracket not visible: FIXED

- HDG and CRS knobs not working correctly: FIXED

- ILS detection invalid: FIXED

- GPS/NAV switch not present: FIXED

- Fuel flow indicators inaccurate: FIXED

- INOP generator switches: REMOVED (not functioning correctly in MSFS)

- INOP master-start switch: REMOVED (Event Master Start All not available in MSFS as a “switch”)

- INOP Hydraulic switches: REMOVED (F-15 has engine-driven hydraulic system)

- To/From flags missing from HSI: FIXED

- Floodlight switch reversed: FIXED

- Some internal PBR surfaces not displaying: FIXED

- Heading knob working but not animating: FIXED

- Toe-brakes too weak: FIXED

- F-15D gyro-compass acting like whiskey compass: FIXED

- Tailhook handle INOP: FIXED

- Tailhook external INOP: FIXED

- Rain and snow entering cockpit: FIXED

- Throttles not responding at low RPM setting: FIXED


- WWise custom sound set from SimAcoustics, unique engine sounds for Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220 and Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229 plus internal cockpit sounds, sound attenuation, AI sounds, 3D sound and more...

Exterior PBR effects enhanced with new metallic texture sheets for more realistic surface finish

- Further enhancements to the aerodynamics and engine files (in collaboration with, and with permission of, expert modders "CodenameJack447", "Severus" and "Silent")

- Icing effects added to canopy and windshield

- Mild "tint" added to windshield for better HUD visibility in bright sunlight

- Scratches on canopy glass enhanced for greater visibility

- Anti-Ice switch added for windshield

-HUD power switch added to all versions on HUD control panel

- Fuel gauge read-out simplified to total fuel weight (pounds)

- Hz ADF dial added (KHz dial can also be tapped to change Hz frequency)

- Checklists added to the in-sim Dropdown menu

NOTE: Autopilot remains a simple 3-axis system and does not have selectable VS or ALT. Fly to the required "numbers", activate AP master, then grab HDG Hold, ALT Hold.

Set throttle for airspeed.

Set GPS/NAV switch to "NAV" for VOR navigation, switch to "GPS" to follow a flight plan.

v0.2.0 - 2021/02/02


- Gauge performance issue in virtual cockpit that was cutting frame rates in half: Fixed for F-15C and D, improved for E and I models.

- Canopy Reflections in virtual cockpit too high: Reflective surface reduced

- Missing cameras in cockpit: New camera views added

- I and D models hidden in liveries: Models now all have separate folders

- Polygon shadowing on ailerons: Fixed

- Engine start issue on runway, gate, apron etc: Fixed

- Texture fall back issue: Fixed

- Canopy able to open in flight: Fixed

- Gear handle lever mouse-rect INOP: Fixed

- Aircraft restricted to Mach 1: Fixed, now Mach 2 + capable ( further aerodynamic and engine work in progress )

- Lights "move" from positions: fixed

- LOD models appear at wrong times or too early: fixed

- Polygon shading on control column: fixed

- Landing gear lever INOP: Fixed

- F-15E / I faint HUD: Fixed

- Incorrect hierarchy on throttle switches: Fixed

- Throttles failing to move independently per engine: Fixed

- Beacon light switch corrected to "Strobe"

- Removed wing "G-vapor" effect due to general user opinion


- New aerodynamics and engine settings ( with permission of and many thanks to enthusiast and modder CodenameJack447! )

- New camera views added to Virtual Cockpit

- NAV-HOLD switch added to cockpit

- NAV SWAP switch added to F-15C and D side panels

- Switch material modified for less "shine"

- New afterburner visibility coding ( with permission of and many thanks to SilentG37 and Severus! )


- Several FSX and P3D platform textures replaced, PBR added to cockpit surfaces along with weathering

- Resolution of texture maps increased

- UV maps re-done to support higher resolution without performance degradation.


- Cockpit modelling enhanced, extra detail added to cockpit walls, canopy frame and canopy handle areas

- Polygon and Ngon shadowing issues fixed

- Rudder pedals re-modelled and textured


- TAA mode still tears all and any projected-gauge displays. This is a current limitation within MSFS, and at this time Asobo have not issued a fix.

- MFD Displays limited to what MSFS can reasonably reproduce, no FLIR or RADAR yet that were featured in Prepar3D versions, but working on replacements.

- NAV functions coded correctly but sometimes failing to respond to VOR / ILS frequencies. Investigating to fix for next update.

- F-15E and I still suffering from some FPS loss due to many glass screen displays, caused by MSFS incompatibility with XML coding. Investigating further

how to improve performance, with a view to ultimately re-coding displays in HTML for ideal compatibility

The product download in your account is updated as and when updates are released, so if purchasing after any of the given dates your product will include all updates prior to that date.

To download updates you will need to re-download the product from the 'Your Orders' section of your account which you can log into by clicking here.

For guidance on downloading this update, please visit this FAQ.