Latest Update: 2025/02/21

The below log shows all updates for this product since release:


- Fixed FUEL BOOST FAIL caution not removed after Fuel Boost Pump is activated

Fixed inverted animation of rotor blades in relation to collective


- Adjusted Fuel Tank capacity to reflect specification

- Disabled fuel system workaround for MSFS2024 which currently caused issue with high fuel usage

v1.04 - 2025/01/27

Fixes for MSFS2024

- Fixed Pilot Book being backlit with emissive material

- Fixed map on Navigation page in Pilot Book

- Fixed Moving map in RMS

- Fixed starter not engaging turbine, which resulted in broken start up sequence

- Fixed fuel usage (Make sure Unlimited Fuel is not enabled in MS Settings)

- Minor changes to Fuel System


- Fixed thousands of feet indicator digital and standby value

- Removed extra debug panel (visible in VR view)

MSFS2024 compatibility - 58D now can be used as legacy aircraft however some issues still occur, due to changes on Asobo side:

- fuel system seems broken, as fuel flow is always 0. It requires more investigation on my end, but I've seen people posting issues like this with vanilla aircrafts as well

- moving map in RMS and Pilot Book is no longer displayed - this is still under investigation, as Asobo might have added some code blocking access to external services. Both of those issues have been mentioned in manual. Beside that, aircraft flies and acts as in MSFS2020.

v1.03 - 2024/12/30

- Fixed thousands of feet indicator animation on standby altimeter

- Added missing NAV light on tail of the aircraft

- Added US ARMY Desert camo

- Tweaked lights position and intensity

- Tweaked flight model

- Added missing sound to Fuel Pump Boost switch


- Fixed interaction with MFD and MFK buttons

- Fixed screens and Pilot Book being unreadable

- Known issues:

    - Map is no longer properly rendered both on Pilot Book and RMS page of MFD (Asobo might fix this – under investigation)

    - During engine startup fuel system acts differently than in MS2020 (sometimes pump might not enable at all resulting in stuck start-up. Under investigation but current solution is to continue startup with CTRL+E).

v1.02 - 2024/11/21

Exterior model:

- Adjusted texture for navigation lights (inverted sides)

- Added native light emissive material to navigation lights when enabled

- Adjusted direction and intensity of lights

- Added US Army Livery


- Fixed Attitude Indicator OFF flag remaining after providing power

Pilot Book:

- Configuration tab: Added more control of pilot visibility (hidden, visible in exterior only or visible in both cockpit and exterior)

- Added pilot book translation in French and German (language selector on bottom right)

58D Painter:

- Removed texture from external view for Multiplayer

- Note: Due to how MSFS handles multiplayer variable sharing, 58D Painter is designed as only single player tool. Currently it is not possible to transfer custom data to other clients

v1.01 - 2024/11/08

- Reduced rotor blade drop
- Fixed rotor blade leaning to ground at idle RPM
- Fixed NEW Waypoint data input in MGRS format to allow correct length
- Fixed missing throttle keybind relation.
- Throttle can now be assigned to SET HELICOPTER THROTTLE
- Added option to show pilot and co-pilot in-cockpit using Pilot Book configuration page
- Added 58D_Manual.pdf

The product download in your account is updated as and when updates are released, so if purchasing after any of the given dates your product will include all updates prior to that date.

To download updates you will need to re-download the product from the 'Your Orders' section of your account which you can log into by clicking here.

For guidance on downloading this update, please visit this FAQ.