DC Designs - F-15 Eagle (MSFS)

Product Changelog

DC Designs F-15 C, D, E & I Eagle (MSFS) Changelog
Latest Update : 2025/03/13 The below log shows all updates for this product since release: v1.8.0 - Activated weapons for the Marketplace - Added CA...
Thu, 13 Mar, 2025 at 2:17 PM


The manual can be found in the location below: Community\dcdesigns-aircraft-f15\ContentInfo\dcdesigns-aircraft-f15
My Plane Seems Uncontrollable At Take-Off, Usually Ending In A Nose-Dive?
If you are finding that your aircraft is uncontrollable then please make sure that you are using "Modern" flight model settings. (OPTIONS > GEN...
Error During Installation (Long File Path)
The cause of this is because the file path name is too long for Windows to read (Windows has a character limit of 256 characters)  The best fix...