The Avro Vulcan B Mk.2, K.2 & MRR features an automatic AEO crew member to assist with the aicraft's operation. When enabled via the EFB Aircraft > Settings menu, the virtual AEO will automatically handle the electrical systems throughout the flight, from cold & dark, takeoff, climb to descent, after landing and shutdown. The option will always default to being disabled to prevent inadvertent operation, so it must be enabled for each flight.
The AEO actions are associated with particular stages of flight, which are detected by the conditions outlined below. The AEO action will then be automatically triggered when the associated condition is met. For example, after all four engines have been started before a flight, the AEO will switch on the four-engine alternators.
Cold & Dark
- Battery switch to ON
- Trip non-essential electrical loads
- Connect the GPU and Palouste
- RAT field switch to normal/guarded
- AAPP - LP cock open, everything else off
- Both 115v transformers ON
Engine start
Once all four engines have been started:
- All four alternators ON
Once all PFCs have been started:
- Both 28v TRUs ON
- Start the AAPP
Once the AAPP has started:
- Connect the AAPP to sync busbar
- Trip the extra supplies from the sync busbar
- Disconnect the GPU and Palouste
Once the GPU has shut down:
- Connect the AAPP to sync busbar
Climbing through 5,000ft with the undercarriage up and the RPM governor set to CRUISE:
- Connect the No 3 alternator to the sync busbar
- Confirm all four alternators, both 28v TRUs and 115v transformers are ON
- Trip the extra supplies from the sync busbar
Climbing through 20,000ft with the undercarriage up, the RPM governor set to CRUISE and the No 3 alternator connected to the sync busbar:
- Connect the No 4 alternator to the sync busbar
- Shut down the AAPP (master switch to OFF)
- Confirm all four alternators, both 28v TRUs and 115v transformers are ON
- Trip the extra supplies from the sync busbar
Descending through 20,000ft with the undercarriage up and the No 4 alternator connected to the sync busbar:
- Connect the No 3 alternator to the sync busbar
- Isolate the No 4 alternator from the sync busbar
Descending through 5,000ft with the undercarriage up and the No 3 alternator connected to the sync busbar:
- Start the AAPP
Once the AAPP has started:
- Connect the No 2 alternator to the sync busbar
- Isolate the No 3 alternator from the sync busbar
- Connect the AAPP to sync busbar
After Landing
Ground speed is less than 20 knots and the brake parachute is not streamed:
- Connect the No 3 alternator to the sync busbar
- Shut down the AAPP (master switch to OFF)
A LP or HP fuel cock is closed:
- Switch off the corresponding alternator
- If a LP or HP fuel cock is closed:
Parking brake is set on, all the PFCs are stopped and the landing lights are retracted:
- Both 115 transformers OFF
- Both 28v TRUs OFF
External lights master is off, all engines are shut down and all fuel pumps are off:
- All four alternators OFF
Chocks are enabled/fitted and the parking is released:
- Battery switch to OFF
- Automatic AEO disabled (must be reenabled via EFB settings if required for next flight)