Latest Update: 2024/12/19
The below log shows all updates for this product since release:
v1.3 (0.1.3)
- Reworked Engine Oil Pressure, Oil Temperature and Oil Quantity logic
- Fixed LVL CHG not recapturing set altitude after an altitude bust in TO mode
- Fixed engines not reaching N1 SET values at high altitudes
- Fixed PED indicating incorrect air supply logic during unpressurised approach
- Fixed MWS chime playing when AC power is switched off
- Fixed an issue where the passenger door opening sounds were triggering inadvertently
- Improved BATT power on relay audio (regrettably, involves the removal of the “ka-ching” audio which doesn’t exists in real world RJs)
- Added flap baulk override retainer release effect – flap baulk can now be heard disengaging when the aircraft passes through 227 knots
- Reworked battery voltage logic. Max values updated from 28v to 25v and battery drain rates reduced
- Reworked APU generator voltage. Max values updated from 40v to 28.5v
- Cockpit/cabin temperature now remains slightly above ambient outside air temperature
- Fixed Starter Master not affecting Galley Load Shedding
- Fixed various minor audio selector panel logic
- Fixed Entry light two-way logic broken by moving switches before electrical power is on
- Changes to ‘Turnaround’ state – L INNER fuel pump is now off, APU GEN is now off, APU AIR is now off, and PACKS 1 and 2 are now off.
- Fixed Navaid Mores Code Not Audible
- Fixed PED not correctly powering up after leaving aircraft in a cold and dark state for an extended period of time.
- Increased smoothness of external light objects
- Main altimeter drums now increment in 20ft rather than 10ft
- Fixed airstairs slightly clipping cabin crew seat when in upright position
- Fixed small model gap at edges of VHF NAV radios
- Fixed TCAS detecting the user's aircraft
- Fixed NAV LIGHTS ON/OFF control assignment logic
- EFB state selection now locked whilst FGS is still in test mode
- Tweaked airbrake and lift spoiler logic, lift spoilers now have greater impact
- Improvements to auto pressurisation controller logic - cabin pressure during cruise is now at the higher of the scheduled cabin altitude and the landing altitude.
- Fixed missing thumbnails in MSFS 2024
v1.2 (0.1.2) - 2024/12/09
- Added MSFS 2024 compatibility
- Fixed GSX fuel truck not disconnecting after refuelling complete
- Fixed overlapping text on EFB Aircraft > Configuration menu
- Fixed cabin GND PWR AVAIL light logic – Now remains illuminated whenever external power is available
- Added ‘fade in’ / ‘fade out’ effects to exterior lighting to simulated incandescent bulbs
- Fixed unable to change speeds flipchart after toggle EFB option on/off
- Improved EFB page transition between WASM and JS/HTML pages
- Improved navigation light electrical source – One Nav light on each wing tip is powered by ESS DC, the other by the Ground Service Bus.
- Updated RJ Professional Operations manual
- Updated RJ Professional EFB manual
- Updated GNLU-910A FMS Operations manual
v1.1 (0.1.1) - 2024/11/29
- Overhauled cockpit lighting using colour samples from new reference material and added "bounce lighting" on panels
- Adjusted amber annunciator colours using colour samples from new reference material
- Reworked cockpit display dimmer logic: PFD/ND can now be set brighter, LCD displays around the cockpit are now controlled by respective dimmer switches (previously they were automatically adjusted based on ambient lighting conditions)
- Added automatic dimming logic to BRAKE TEMP indicator (based on ambient lighting)
- Fixed GSX boarding at a gate with a jetway would not connect the jetway
- Fixed GSX causing brakes to overheat during a raised pushback
- GSX and default tugs can now rotate the nose gear during pushback
- Increased deboarding simulation speed (doesn't affect GSX deboarding)
- Fixed issue where triggering boarding caused refuelling to revert to pending, or vice versa
- Fixed GND SERVICE switch logic in galley
- Fixed multiple Cabin Calls cannot be made without first cancelling the call
- Improved GND CALL logic, GSX and default pushback tug connections will now trigger the GND CALL annunciator
- Fixed automatic dimming on PED LEDs reversed (LEDs are now bright during the day and dim at night)
- PED fuel quantity, N2 and EGT indications are now powered by the battery 1 busbar when the FUEL QTY button is pressed with no other power source available.
- Fixed ENG VIBN caption does not trigger MWS alert
- Improved EFIS Control Panel and Transponder button response logic
- Fixed EFB settings not saving between flights (Auto Cabin Crew, Cabin Announcements, etc)
- Fixed "Confirm Aircraft State" message not appearing if a sub-menu is open on the EFB Aircraft page
- Corrected RJ85 Blue1 Livery registration in aircraft.cfg (now OH-SAO)
- Various other minor livery fixes
- Fixed ND: "LOC" text overlapping "LNAV" text during FLT ANNUNS Test
- Fixed GNLU: STORED FLIGHT PLAN page displaying 1/0 pages when no flight plans were available.
- Fixed GNLU: Arrival transition issue where the incorrect transition was being selected.
- Added GNLU: WEIGHT UNITS option to GNLU MENU page (can now toggle between KG, LBS, or sync it with the EFB weights)
- Fixed APU TGT logic being affected by pausing the simulator
- Tweaked approach callouts trigger logic, now:
- Airspeed below 250 KIAS, below 6000ft AGL, vertical speed less than -500ft/min
- Airspeed below 250 KIAS, below 6000ft AGL, and localiser alive, localiser captured, glideslope alive, glideslope captured, or seats for landing calls have been triggered
- Fixed EXT AC PWR AVAILABLE not illuminating without DC EMER/DC ESS buses powered
- Improved AC/DC meter needle animations
- APU or EXT AC volts and frequency now drop momentarily when an engine starter relay comes on
- Flight director bars now remain locked to 7.5deg pitch and 0deg roll during taxi
- Default elevator keyboard assignments are now supported
- ELEVATOR TRIM AXIS control assignment is now supported
- AUTOPILOT NAV1 HOLD control assignment now toggles the LNAV autopilot mode button, TOGGLE GPS DRIVES NAV1 control assignment now toggles the VOR LOC autopilot mode button
- Autothrottle lock option now covers all throttle keyboard control assignments
- TRP TOGA REDU flex temperature logic improvements
- Added glass to the weather radar display
- Runway exit lights are now inhibited in the air
- Added tooltips to the IRS MSU alignment knobs to show seconds left until alignment
- Fixed reversed MCP VERT SPEED selector animation
- ENG A-ICE caption no longer illuminates with only continuous ignition switched on
- Tweaked yellow and green brake system accumulator pressurisation rates to better match real aircraft values (AC pump pressurisation is now quicker and DC pump pressurisation slower)
- FUEL LO PRESS captions on MWP are no longer illuminated when the relevant fuel pumps are switched on
- Fuel tank LO PRESS captions will now illuminate briefly as the valves change position
- Updated MCP speed selector window flags logic so they are triggered by current rather than selected airspeed
- RT/INT audio selector panel switches changed to three-position spring-loaded switches
- Fixed thrust lever stop markings texture issues
- Ready for takeoff state changes:
- Continuous ignition (CONT IGN) is now switched off
- Cabin air is set to RECIRC
- Left ND data is set to WIND, right ND data is set to GSPD
- Increased main altimeter decision height bug setting precision
- Fixed APU fire test not triggering MWS chime
- Improved ENTRY lights logic - two-way logic now simulated
- Improved oxygen system functionality - PAX OXY OUT annunciator will now illuminate on the DROP OUT OVRD pushbuttons (left/right side consoles) whenever the passenger oxygen masks have been deployed, automatically or manually.
- Fixed various MSFS Interactive Checklist and Paper Checklist typos
- MCP mode button annunciator brightness can now be controlled by the FLT ANNUNS BRT/DIM switch
- Improved overhead annunciator test logic
- Fixed missing elevator trim wheel motor sound
- Improved flap baulk logic
- Increased APU fuel burn to more accurate values
- Fixed PED indicating incorrect air supply logic during an unpressurised approach
- Reworked TRP FLEX calculations for greater accuracy
- Updated default navdata to AIRAC 2401
- Added ILS identifiers to navdata - Allows for ILS identifiers to be inputted on the GNLU's FIX INFO page
- Added 'Knob Acceleration' option on EFB Configuration Menu - Toggles on/off the knob acceleration on MCP ALT/CRS/HDG knobs, altimeter bugs and COMM radio knobs
Product Release - 08/11/2024
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